Laboratory centrifuge cleaning and maintenance instructions
After we generally purchase a laboratory centrifuge, we need to ensure that it runs efficiently for as long as possible.Proper maintenance of the equipment can achieve this and help ensure your safety and make the application run smoothly.
But most of us don’t know how to properly clean and maintain the centrifuge!
Therefore, in this article by Xiaobian today, we will introduce how to properly clean and maintain laboratory centrifuges in the best condition.
Steps include:
1.Cleaning and disinfection
2.Rotors and accessories
5.Cleaning and lubricating equipment
6.Baseline procedures in the event of pollution
Next let’s take a look at each step in more detail:

1.Cleaning and disinfection
Before we start any cleaning or disinfection, please be sure to turn off the equipment and disconnect the power.
The exterior of the centrifuge and the rotor chamber should be cleaned regularly with a neutral detergent.This is not only for hygiene, but also to prevent pollution caused by residual pollutants.
Only neutral agents can be used for cleaning and disinfection (such as diluted neutral alcohol disinfectants or 70% isopropanol mixtures).
Detergent residues should be removed.Also remove the condensate and clean the condensing pan.And open the centrifuge cover.
The rotor chamber and rotor shaft only need to be wiped with a damp cloth.Please use a neutral cleaning solution to clean the rotor.This can protect the rotor and extend its service life.
Do not use acetone, corrosive cleaners, or cleaners containing chlorite ions.The most common cause of corrosion is the use of chlorite ion solutions, such as sodium hypochlorite (household bleaching agent).
Please do not use steel wool, wire brushes, abrasives or sandpaper, as they can cause damage to the rotor coating (anodized coating), which in turn increases the risk of corrosion.We do not recommend putting the rotor or lid in the dishwasher, because the corrosive cleaners used in the dishwasher can cause corrosion of parts.
2.Rotors and accessories
When we use swing rotors, we must ensure that the rotor groove is pollution-free, and the rotor can be lubricated with lubricant (grease for the pivot) to ensure that the rotor can swing completely, especially when using the new tube format.
If a corrosive liquid splashes on the centrifuge equipment, please clean it immediately with a neutral cleaning solution (alcohol or alcohol-containing disinfectant) to protect the rotor and extend its service life.
Since salt crystals on the metal surface can corrode the surface, we strongly recommend cleaning the equipment immediately after each use.
If there are stubborn stains, you can clean them with a plastic scrubbing pad. If you need to clean the lumen or drilling hole of the rotor, please use a hard test tube brush with end bristles and non-metallic tips, rinse the equipment with distilled water, and dry thoroughly with a soft cleaning cloth.
Never completely immerse the rotor in water, as water may remain in the rotor cavity, causing imbalance during subsequent operation.
Suitable and inappropriate cleaning equipment:
Plastic scrubbing pad
(Used to remove stubborn pollutants)
Hard brush with end bristles and non-metallic tip
(If you need to clean the drilling holes of the rotor)
Not allowed:
Steel ball
(Corrosion may occur)
Although you operate accurately and cautiously, the rotor may also be contaminated by biological materials (such as blood) or radioactive substances.
If this happens, please consult the laboratory safety officer immediately to understand the appropriate methods for cleaning and disinfecting dangerous spills in the centrifuge/rotor.Only chemical suppliers can guarantee the success of disinfection.
Before using any cleaning or disinfection method other than that recommended by the centrifuge manufacturer, please check whether the expected method will not damage the rotor, accessories, or other parts of the centrifuge.
Please note that only cleaners and disinfectants are recommended because they are compatible with centrifuge materials.The recommended decontamination method is to disinfect and autoclave with an alcoholic liquid.
Do not use ultraviolet light, β, γ or any other high-energy radiation source for disinfection, and do not use gas for disinfection.
Generally speaking, disinfection with a cloth is more effective than spraying liquid on the centrifuge. Spraying liquid may also cause a short circuit in the centrifuge housing. After cleaning with detergent, the rubber sealing ring in the rotor cavity should be thoroughly rinsed with distilled water and lubricated with glycerin to prevent it from becoming brittle.
Sterilization of rotors and accessories may be an ideal way to protect humans from pathogens or sample contamination.Sterilization is the process of eliminating all forms of microbial life, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, spores and other communicable pathogens.
Autoclave is a widely used thermal sterilization method, that is, the use of hot steam to sterilize equipment and other items.For example, a typical autoclave procedure is carried out at 121°C and 2 bar atmospheric pressure for 15 to 20 minutes.
All fixed angles and many swing rotor cross heads, as well as all Manson hanging baskets, have been rigorously tested and approved under these conditions. They also have a special anodized coating that protects the metal from deeper corrosion. Steel swing rotor cross heads with thermally fixed powder coating are not suitable for autoclaving. If you have questions about your rotor, please ask if we can autoclave this model.
Manson offers a second aluminum-angle rotor with a special PTFE coating, which has excellent chemical resistance and can resist phenol, acetonitrile, DMSO, acetone, trichloroacetic acid, acetic acid and sodium hypochlorite.This coating is applied on top of the actual anode coating.
In some cases, autoclaving at a temperature of 121°C for 20 minutes may not be enough to sterilize the rotor.Prions associated with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease cannot be eliminated under these conditions.
The Manson manufacturer stated that autoclaving at a temperature of 134°C for at least 18 minutes should be sufficient, but in some cases, even this is not enough to inactivate the pathogen, especially when using very infectious materials. Prions usually have high heat resistance, although their contagion can be reduced by this treatment.
The maximum temperature of 121°C is not suitable for eliminating prions.Therefore, a higher temperature is required.According to existing marketing materials, only a few rotors on the market can be autoclaved at temperatures higher than 121°C.Therefore, customers have only a very limited choice of rotors in these applications-including Manson’s high-quality aluminum rotors.The selected Manson rotors have been extensively tested for 2 hours at 142°C, or for 20 minutes at 135°C. The rotors have been extensively tested for 2 hours at 142°C, or for 20 minutes at 135°C.These Manson rotors can be safely used in such applications.
5.Cleaning and lubricating equipment
Keeping the centrifuge clean can keep it in good working condition for a long time and minimize the risk of sample contamination.The following is a very general list of tasks that need to be completed.You should refer to the Manson manufacturer’s manual for cleaning products and protocols for specific parts.For example, your manual may contain a “chemical resistance chart” or a “chemical compatibility table”.
Depending on your application, decide whether to clean the centrifuge weekly, daily, or more frequently.You must also clean in the event of an overflow.
Remove the rotor and accessories and clean them separately.
To disinfect parts, use a disinfectant spray (such as 70% ethanol or 10% bleach) or an autoclave (if the parts are suitable for autoclave).
Clean the bowl and rinse thoroughly.Make sure not to let water flood the inside of the centrifuge.Abrasive products such as steel wool and wire brushes may damage certain materials, especially coatings, so a soft cloth or sponge (which may be a plastic sponge in some cases) is usually a better choice.
Use warm water and mild cleaners to clean the outside of the equipment and any non-removable parts, including lids, seals, control panels, and housings.
Wipe away the accumulated moisture.Moisture freezes and restricts the air flow around the rotor, which puts pressure on the system.
If applicable, use a test tube brush with a non-metallic tip to clean the lumen.
If there is a water tray, empty it and clean it.
Apply anticorrosive oil to the metal rotor.
Lubricate the moving parts of the centrifuge in accordance with the manufacturer’s manual.
If a centrifuge is used by multiple people, then everyone should know what types of samples the laboratory is running and whether any unconventional products or protocols are required for cleaning.
It is recommended that it is best to put a cleaning and maintenance log next to the centrifuge to record when to clean and the cleaning personnel.This is useful even if there is only one user.In addition to helping you track, cleaning and maintenance logs can also be used for warranty claims.
6.Baseline procedures in the event of pollution (how to operate)
Always wear lab clothes, gloves and goggles.
If there is broken glass: use tweezers to remove the larger broken glass, and use a wet flannel-free cloth to remove small fragments and glass powder.
Absorb blood with gauze or paper towels and seal the material in a biohazard bag for subsequent safe handling.
Use a neutral detergent or 70% ethanol-soaked gauze or flannel-free cloth to wipe the contaminated parts.
If necessary, remove the contaminated rotor, rotor cover, bucket and bucket cover from the centrifuge to purify inaccessible areas.
Autoclave the contaminated rotor, rotor cover, bucket and bucket cover at a temperature of 121°C for 20 minutes.
After decontamination, clean the equipment with distilled water and dry thoroughly with a soft cleaning cloth.
Daily maintenance instructions:
Before and after use, please check the rotor and lid for scratches, dust or spilled sample materials.(The lack of anodizing on the aluminum rotor clearly indicates the need for a more detailed evaluation.)
When using an airtight rotor, please check the sealing of the lid.
Clean the centrifuge regularly to protect your investment, maximize the service life of the instrument, and ensure safe operation, such as preventing sediment accumulation and eliminating any possibility of corrosion.
If necessary, wipe the following parts with a lint-free microfiber cloth:
Centrifuge housing
Conference hall
Rotor shaft
Rotor cover/cap
Keep the centrifuge cover open to reduce the pressure of the spring lift of the centrifuge cover.For refrigerated centrifuges, keep the centrifuge cover and rotor open and let the equipment defrost at night.
Weekly to monthly:
Keep the maintenance instructions log manual.
Carefully remove the rotor from the centrifuge.
Please check the centrifuge rotor, rotor cover and rotor barrel for cracks and corrosion in detail.For fixed-angle rotors, check the bottom of the rotor and the pipe holes.For swinging rotors, pay special attention to pivots and grooves.When evaluating the rotor, clearly distinguish between scratches and dents (= more colors than damage).Rotors with dents or even small cracks must be replaced.Due to the manufacturing process, the color of the rotor marked “coated” may change.These color changes will not affect the service life or chemical resistance.